Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Gnomes, Gate, Pisces

Kabiri, the Fire Gods who tend the internal fires and treasures of the earth. One gains through attention to labor, industry. How are we doing with it?

The Spiritual Virtues of the Gnomes is transmutation, the making of the Philosopher's Stone. Turning the base metal into Gold.
The gnomes tell us not to give up. There is progress through perseverance. Is your perseverance wavering a little today?

Hang in there and keep on working on it.

The gate is closed. We are blocked in our progress.

Gates that are locked and blocked are generally that way for good reason. There are safety issues, emotional issues, etc. It may be time to wait or find another alternative.

Does the blockage require healing to be removed? Are you working on your blocks? Ask what needs to be done, develop a plan and then take the right actions. In the Pages of Shustah deck, this is the NO response or No card.

The energy is flowing in. Has there been a blockage for you?

Energy is now flowing in as if to flush it out. It's now open.

Get out of the way and get going. Pisces people can be very sensitive. The key is not to be overly sensitive.

The Christ energy is flowing in now. Open to it and bring it in.


Gnomes tell us to persist.  There will be a transmutation.  Can we do it today?  The gate is closed and we find our progress is stopped.  We can wait or find another way to proceed.  Pisces tells us to use the Christ energy and go with the flow.  Dream the impossible dream and make it come true.

The gnomes bring us light and help but we are challenged by the gate.  Tap into the power of Pisces and find the best way forward.  Ask and you shall receive.  Seek and you will find, etc.

You are loved and blessed.

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