Friday, July 31, 2020

Woolly Mammoth, Chalice, Major Wish

The Woolly Mammoth brings seeds of the past forward to be healed. What stuff is unresolved and needs healing?

There are many people carrying pain from the past and continue to carry these painful memories. Time to process it now we are where we are.

Are you ready to move forward, recognizing we are all connected on the Spiritual level?

The Chalice is the card of Holiness. It relates to Spirit. It can be the Holy Grail cup.

On the mundane, it could refer to a drinking party.

See the drops from the vine filling up the cup? Is it water or wine. Fill the Chalice with Spirit. Be open to receiving Spiritual Blessings.

 Even more importantly, Give blessings to others.

The major wish is the YES card in the deck. When it appears in a reading, your major wish can come true. What is your wish? Is it full of love?
Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.

Keep your wish outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.
Do you take time to be present and connect with the All? It can be Divine for you.

Fill you heart with love and you can do anything.

Can we heal the seeds of illness and dis-ease today?   There are numerous things that can be done to improve our immune system.  TGIF.  Chalice can have several meanings.  The mundane meaning is to drink like at a party.  The Spiritual meaning is one of Spirit and blessings.  Ask for the blessings if you need them.  Call upon Divine forces to help you and our world.  God cures.  Praying for the Holy Spirit to heal works.  Ask for you major wish and it is granted.

You are loved and blessed.

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