Friday, July 17, 2020

Playful Page, Little Fish, Archangel Uriel

It is a time for play and downtime. Oh what possibilities.

Looks to me like the page is dancing. Dancing sounds pretty good.

A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play. You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.

When we look at things with a playful eye, it seems lighter. You can create some moments of happiness to remember forever.

The little fish are all swimming together in a group. We are all in this together. There can be some successful group activity today. We are moving forward

The 'little fishes' is the card of little wish granted.

It can also indicate the formation of something new: Something drawn from Nothing.

Our little wishes can come true.

 Uriel, Light of God, Archangel of Earth, Regent of the North in the sign of the Bull.  She is the Angel of Summer, card of success.

 You tell us that we can do it and be successful. It is the peak of our mental endeavor, knowing a spiritual work is half completed and knowing that important factors are working for you.

Archangel Uriel is full of emotional expression. She brings the light and wisdom too.

Can we present contrasting energy today?  Little fish bring us our little wishes.  Fish Friday?  Archangel Uriel tells us we will be successful.

Let's get together with others today and make our wishes come true.  Playful Page reminds us to work hard and play hard or vice versa.  We can also be with our friends and others to enjoy the energy/ Archangel Uriel says we can be successful.  Bring in the light and wisdom.   Let there be light and let us see the truth.

You are loved and blessed.

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