Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Taurus, Gemini, Chalice

Taurus, you seem to be in a calm and balanced state. Your ears are back and your attention is looking up.

How do we feel? Are we balanced today? When we look up, what are we thinking? Are we lifting our thoughts and consciousness up?

At least we are grounded with all our feet on the ground. We have great strength and a good nose for things. We are also very practical, right?

The word 'patience' often comes to me when I see the bull.

Gemini, is an air sign and includes brothers and sisters, over which we have no control.

We see the energy is gathering. We recognize that we are both polarities within us. It is who we are. Accept it and love it.

Is there a decision coming up for you? Call in the energy to help you with it.

Use your good judgment by seeing how your whole person feels.

The Chalice is the card of Holiness. It relates to Spirit. It can be the Holy Grail cup.

On the mundane, it could refer to a drinking party.

See the drops from the vine filling up the cup? Is it water or wine. Fill the Chalice with Spirit. Be open to receiving Spiritual Blessings.

 Even more importantly, Give blessings to others.

Do we have the patience we need?  Gemini brings in the energy of both polarities.  Ask for the energy to help you with your decisions.  Where does our help come from?  The Divine.  The Chalice as the blessings that the Divine has given us.

You are loved and blessed.

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