Monday, September 9, 2019

Foxes, Lord of Power, Gemini

The Full Moon is out and the clouds have parted.  The Moon reflects the light from the Sun and the Moonlight shines on us.  If you look, you can see things happening that you  couldn't see otherwise.

The foxes tell us to be clever - use our mental capabilities and also watch for the cleverness of others.  Keep the foxes out of the Hen House.  Let's all be more savvy this year and do the right things.

The Moonlight lights your path.  Keep your eyes open and watch for the best timing.

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy. It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality. Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.
You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.  

Understand how to use your spiritual power. The right thought creates the right action. You have the power to manifest by using these spiritual laws.  Manifest what you want and are guided to.  Do this with prayer and meditation. This is how you access Divine Abundance and create.

Gemini, is an air sign and includes brothers and sisters, over which we have no control.

We see the energy is gathering. We recognize that we are both polarities within us. It is who we are. Accept it and love it.

Is there a decision coming up for you? Call in the energy to help you with it.

Use your good judgment by seeing how your whole person feels.

The foxes are out in the moonlight.  The clouds have parted and we can see what they are up to.  One fox is seeking and the other watching.  Can we see the what is happening  by the foxes?  Use your intuition to see what is not normally unseen.  Use your spiritual thought and see the real world.  Use prayer and meditation to get further insights.  LIke Gemini, look at both sides to get all the information you can.  Be come the observer with the physical, mental and energetic.

You are loved and blessed.

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