Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fool, Magical Horse, Stars

The fool is the card of physical pleasure and experience. The soul of the personality is in search of knowledge.

There may be a new beginning starting today.

What are you questing? What doors do you wish to open?

There is a suggestion to be more childlike.

You can do that,

Today, we can make some great progress or have good health.

We see the horse is on the track, in the race  but where is it, ahead or behind?
You can stay on topic and  keep it moving.

There is assurance of good health.  You can run with the wind and get all the benefits of those endorphins.

We are the horse, on track - progressing magically.

The blue stars is the card of a Plan. It refers to favorable business. Accept advantages offered. Flowers unfold. Likewise, we too unfold. You bring hope.
What is our plan? To be in the Present Moment, the Presence of the Divine. We can manifest what is desired and for our highest good by using this plan.

The stars represent each of us connected, hope and integration of the five aspects of self. Once again, integration can come through our inner work and our outer work. Each of us grow where we are planted with others. Relationships and group energy can take us where we can't go by ourselves. We need groups to be successful in spiritual growth. It's also fun and you develop a spiritual connection with each other that is one of the most loving.

Will we get our pleasure today?  We have assurance of good health and progressing magically. Make your plan and spread the Word to all so collectively you are empowered.

You are loved and blessed.

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