Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Magical Horse, Swamp, Totem

Today, we can make some great progress or have good health.

We see the horse is on the track, in the race  but where is it, ahead or behind?
You can stay on topic and  keep it moving.

There is assurance of good health.  You can run with the wind and get all the benefits of those endorphins.

We are the horse, on track - progressing magically.

The swamp cautions us not to be overwhelmed. Clarity may be difficult with the swamp's muddy waters. Are you in muddy waters or is that your thinking?

Watch your step in the swamp. It is wise to test the path ahead before making a commitment. Have you been sinking because of a misstep?

Watch for emotional trickery going on. Keep an eye on things. There may be alligators and snakes you can't see in the muddy water.

The Totem is all about family. It is our connection with the past. It is the karma we bring into this life. It is about genetic influences. Yesterday, I heard that we are all 99.9% the same. That's pretty close to saying we are all one. Genetic connection is being studied world wide.

Does the connection with family help or hurt. It can do either or both.

How is our relationship with family today?
Often, Totem is about karma and Spiritual Family


How is our progress and health today?  It's possible we be overwhelmed with emotion.  There is a need for us to be grounded today and use caution while we are in the swamp.  The Totem is all about family including our Spiritual family.  How's your relationship?  The picture of the totem is a clue that our ancestors are connected to us.  We have an inheritance from them in our DNA.  We sometimes have a karma from them as well.  We can pray and ask for forgiveness not only of ourselves, but be forgiving of our ancestors mistakes as well.  Pray to that they are forgiven.  Forgiveness is a gift that helps us move on.

The family is surrounded by fear.  On the left we have the swamp that cautions us in the muddy waters of the swamp and on the right is Totem.  we are cautioned about panic and physical fear.  We have nothing to fear but fear itself, yet do be cautions.

Is our Spiritual Family with us today and will be working on karma?  We are making some progress. Swamp slows us down because we have to be cautious in the swamp.  Ask for clarity and help.

You are loved and blessed.

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