Saturday, May 25, 2019

Butterflies, Noisy Seabird, Fence

Butterflies tell us of transformation. We have embraced the idea for change in that we all have had enough of the past. Time to move forward.

There is great anticipation, expectation, joy and peace with the upcoming days.

We have the joy of all the blossoms and new openings. Growth is everywhere.

There is healing taking place. There is movement and a shift in the consciousness. Are you ready for it? I know you can adapt.

Squawk, squawk, squawk sounds the noisy seabird. Just making noise. It can be very distracting. Listen behind the noise. Do what your heart tells you.

Use your intuition to hear the truth. Ask to hear the truth.There is physical distraction and interfering communication.

Today there is sharing information. It is a time to watch the words you speak and to consider the words of others in this light. 
Don't believe everything you hear.  As Don Miguel would say with his 5th Agreement,   "Be skeptical, but listen".

The veil is thin. Can we see through it? Yes, if we try.

It is the card of severance. It is a physical separation from a loved one or friend. It can also indicate an emotional separation or release from a personal relationship.

There is a strength to resist a detrimental relationship. There can be gaining of personal freedom from restriction. Free at last, I'm free at last may be the watch words. Freedom does have a price though.

What is the barrier that separates here? The fence indicates temporary barrier.


Oh happy day!  Have you seen the butterflies this Spring?  They are out.  They speak of transformation.  How is yours coming?  Work the the invisible forces that are helping you now.  Be aware that there are distractions and interference of communication.  This too shall pass.  Shift to a higher level and watch from above it all.

Look at the colors today:  Yellow, Green and then Red.  Go with caution - Full speed ahead and then stop and listen.  It is Saturday, slow down and enjoy the holiday weekend.  Be cautious and watch your speech.  

You are loved and blessed.

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