Saturday, March 16, 2019

Fool, Playful Page, Archangel Raphael

The fool is the card of physical pleasure and experience. The soul of the personality is in search of knowledge.

There may be a new beginning starting today.

What are you questing? What doors do you wish to open?

There is a suggestion to be more childlike.

You can do that,

It is a time for play and downtime. Oh what possibilities.

Looks to me like the page is dancing. Dancing sounds pretty good.

A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play. You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.

When we look at things with a playful eye, it seems lighter. Have some fun and be safe. What will it matter in 10, 000 years? You can create some moments of happiness to remember forever.

Archangel Raphael tells us of enthusiasm. She exhibits the enthusiasm in her expression. This a wonderful energy. Enthusiasm is infused with Spirit, just as the energy she brings in and heralds in Spring.

How is your enthusiasm today? Ask, how can I tap into the energy, then listen for your answer.  
I think Raphael is also telling us that there is healing possible now too. Are you open to healing and wholeness?

Look at all the wonderful energy around the Healer of God. We can tap into it.

Our soul is looking for knowledge.  Will it find it today?   Things don't always appear as they are.  Have some fun today.  How about some dancing?  I love the idea of playing with things to see if we can get more insights.  Try it and have fun.  Archangel Raphael is enthused about the coming of Spring just a few days away.  Get excited too for a new beginning.

The Fool is yellow telling us that Spirit is with us.  Playful Page is dancing.  It is Saturday and a good evening to go out and have some fun dancing.  Spring is in the air and on the earth.  We see the green shoots of flowers and buds everywhere.  The Earth is being renewed in this annual cycle.  Neighbors are landscaping and mulching, putting our touch of beauty around home.  Oh what fun too.

You are loved and blessed.

You are loved and blessed.

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