Sunday, January 13, 2019

Spying Page, Celestial Bees, Archangel Raphael

The red page - the spying page is observing and hesitant. Often when you are really observing, you are in the present moment. You can listen and broadly focus.

From the place of the observer, options and alternatives become obvious. One doesn't have to react, one can chose and act with clear mind.

Another message of the red page is to wait for the best time.

It is a challenge to stay in the present moment, but you can do it.

There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).

Get together with others of like interests and common ideas. It is the bees to do the will of the Divine, we can too. Just be open to it.

There is a lot of work to do today. Have fun doing it.

Start including honey in your diet. It's great on oatmeal and in tea. Good food for your health. How sweet it is.

The Angel of Spring, Archangel Raphael is also the Healer of God. When we have blockages removed, we can move forward.

Raphael tells us to make a new beginning. There is new energy to support you and help you on your way.

Each of are born under each of the signs of the zodiac. Edgar Cayce said that often people incarnate as groups. Sometimes in the same roles as their ancestor and sometimes in role reversal for karmic reasons. In looking at our own health and the health of our parents and grandparents, we see illnesses that may have been created as an affect on the DNA by what happened to them.

The Spying Page is hesitant and waiting.  Why are you hesitating to get started.  The Bees are flying and making honey.  It is happy work and fulfilling purpose.  You too can do that.  Be light like the bees.  Make your honey at home.   Remember, the Universe loves action.

Today is a great day to call upon Archangel Raphel to help with the healing on yourself and family. 
This is a very special time we live in. Ask questions in your meditations. Ask for information to help you and all humanity.  As it is written, so it shall be. Let us also call upon Archangel Raphael for assistance in healing and restoration. What does not work well can be restored with better.

A Christian message may be: Archangel Raphael is assisting us with our healing, observing/patience in waiting for the Christ Spirit. We await for the Christ and work on building the Christ Spirit within. God Bless Us.

You are loved and blessed.

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