Monday, November 12, 2018

Cancer, Playful Page, Celestial Bees

Can you invoke the cosmic power of the Moon and Divine Mother, as both are of the Divine Feminine? Crabs are water creatures and are sensitive.

The crab can grab on to things with it's pincers, but don't hold on too much or too long. Hold only as needed. Can you side step if you have to when there are obstacles in your way?

Be like the Mother, nurture and love one another?  Yes, you can.

A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things.

Can we choose our contrast? Can we choose to end the contrast? Yes with thought and action.

So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play.

You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.

There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).

Get together with others of like interests and common ideas. It is the bees to do the will of the Divine, we can too. Just be open to it.

There is a lot of work to do today. Have fun doing it.

Start including honey in your diet. It's great on oatmeal and in tea. Good food for your health. How sweet it is.

OMG, can we not be over sensitive today?  Let us use contrast today to move us to a better place.  There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).  Isn't it interesting that we have Cancer with its house on its back and then the hive/home.  Enjoy your hometime.

You are loved and blessed.

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