Monday, May 21, 2018

Foxes, Lord of Contemplation, Road of Indecision

The Full Moon is out and the clouds have parted.  The Moon reflects the light from the Sun and the Moonlight shines on us.  If you look, you can see things happening that you  couldn't see otherwise.

The foxes tell us to be clever - use our mental capabilities and also watch for the cleverness of others.  Keep the foxes out of the Hen House.  Let's all be more savvy this year and do the right things.

The Moonlight lights your path.  Keep your eyes open and watch for the best timing.

Can you concentrate and enter into deep meditation?

Give it a try or keep trying.

Before making a decision, do you give it great thought or just make it without thought?

Do you get in touch with your higher self and follow the inner guidance?

Give yourself the benefit of your meditative / neutral mind.

What is the larger concept? How do we rethink the situation to make the best choice?

Where are you on the Road of Indecision? This is also the road of return. Are we now coming full circle?

Are you on the other side of the mountain? Are you making your return trip home?

Always look to what your options are and use your intuition too.
What is up today?  The foxes are looking around to see what they can see.  Lord of Contemplation tells us to give some thought to the situation.  Think things through.  What is it that you know and don't know?  Ask, ask, ask.  We can rethink the situation and find the best choices.  Look at everything you can.

You are loved and blessed.

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