Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Stars, Fence, Witchhazel

The blue stars is the card of a Plan. It refers to favorable business. Accept advantages offered. Flowers unfold. Likewise, we too unfold. You bring hope.
What is our plan? To be in the Present Moment, the Presence of the Divine. We can manifest what is desired and for our highest good by using this plan.

The stars represent each of us connected, hope and integration of the five aspects of self. Once again, integration can come through our inner work and our outer work. Each of us grow where we are planted with others. Relationships and group energy can take us where we can't go by ourselves. We need groups to be successful in spiritual growth. It's also fun and you develop a spiritual connection with each other that is one of the most loving.

The veil is thin. Can we see through it? Yes, if we try.

It is the card of severance. It is a physical separation from a loved one or friend. It can also indicate an emotional separation or release from a personal relationship.

There is a strength to resist a detrimental relationship. There can be gaining of personal freedom from restriction. Free at last, I'm free at last may be the watch words. Freedom does have a price though.

What is the barrier that separates here? The fence indicates temporary barrier.

The Witch hazel tree tells us that there is healing on all levels, including the emotional level.

There is a manipulation of the time sequence. The Here and Now contains the Whole of anything. We have the vision of an entire concept. We see the seed, flower and pod in simultaneous action.

What you have worked for is coming to fruition.

Experience the here and now. Experience being out of time and space. This is a mighty lesson and solution.
Do you have a plan for today?  Check in with those on the other side of the fence and talk.  (I did this last evening with my neighbor and have been doing it with one of my 2 closest guides.)  We can do healing on all levels today.  Go for it.

You are loved and blessed.

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