Friday, May 26, 2017

Guardian Dog, Lord of Authority, Magical Horse

The Guardian Dog is the instrument of the lover. We often think of the dog as a protector. They protect us and have wonderful loyalty as long as we treat them respectfully.

The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home.

What is dog focused on? Do you feel the anticipation the dog is feeling?

Is the dog watching for you to come home and waiting?

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self. That's really hard to do when our emotions are not at our best or there is cleverness around.

Having the Lord around is very powerful along with the Major wish. Now you know what's happening for today.

Do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. Play them well. Turn the lemon into lemonade / or something like that. It is what it is.

Today, we can make some great progress or have good health.

We see the horse is on the track, in the race  but where is it, ahead or behind?
You can stay on topic and  keep it moving.

There is assurance of good health.  You can run with the wind and get all the benefits of those endorphins.

We are the horse, on track - progressing magically.

You are being loved, watched over and protected by the Guardian Dog.   We must let our own will go and follow God's will, then our progress will be magical. Yahoo.

You are loved and blessed.

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