Sunday, December 11, 2016

Whip, Fence, Lord of Authority

The whip is about discipline. Will today take great mental effort if there may be emotional unhappiness or possibly physical difficulties?

What tests us, makes us stronger. We struggle to attain and in so there is a karmic strengthening of character.

Untangle things today. Stay grounded and not reacting to others negative emotions.

Use your strengths developed from discipline.

The veil is thin. Can we see through it? Yes, if we try.

It is the card of severance. It is a physical separation from a loved one or friend. It can also indicate an emotional separation or release from a personal relationship.

There is a strength to resist a detrimental relationship. There can be gaining of personal freedom from restriction. Free at last, I'm free at last may be the watch words. Freedom does have a price though.

What is the barrier that separates here? The fence indicates temporary barrier.

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self. That's really hard to do when our emotions are not at our best or there is cleverness around.

Having the Lord around is very powerful along with the Major wish. Now you know what's happening for today.

Do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. Play them well. Turn the lemon into lemonade / or something like that. It is what it is.

What discipline do we need today?  The fence speaks to us that we are to communicate with those who are separated from us.  That could be those who you love who are in Spirit.  Speak & listen.  Lord of Authority reminds us to follow God's Will rather than our own (ego based).  Find the joy.which God gifts to you.

You are loved and blessed.

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