Friday, November 11, 2016

Treasure Chest, Magical Horse, Little Child and Puppy

Open the box that contains your treasure and let it be seen. What can be seen? How is your financial abundance? More importantly, what is your treasure?

The treasure is you. You have the treasure within you. Let your light shine.

Use your treasure for the most important decisions. Your choices are what brings you the treasure and allows you to share your treasures.

Your cup runs over. Share the wealth, especially of love.

Today, we can make some great progress or have good health.

We see the horse is on the track, in the race  but where is it, ahead or behind?
You can stay on topic and  keep it moving.

There is assurance of good health.  You can run with the wind and get all the benefits of those endorphins.

Are the we the horse, on track - progressing magically?

The Child and the Puppy is the card of attachment. An emotional wish granted. We have responsibility to our children and our animals. This also speaks to our responsibility to any one in need.

There is the granting of an emotional wish through the gift of love.

What emotional wish do you have today?

Step into some shoes larger than yours, trust and do what needs to be done - with love.

Wow, can we let out light shine like the treasure chest?  Magical Horse indicates that we are on track and making magical progress.  Let's go with Magical.  An emotional wish is granted to the little child by the Grace of God and unconditional Love.

You are really loved and blessed.

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