Saturday, July 2, 2016

Capricorn, Gate, Pregnant Mouse

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who slows progress. This allows you more time to do what you need to do.

Fearlessness is a trait of the Capricorn. Facing fears and moving on through them gives you power and self confidence.

The picture of the Capricorn has the tail of a fish - power in the lower half and able to move through water with a flick of the fins. The head is of the goat - sure footed in the mountains and able to traverse the tricky path.

The gate is shut and barred. What can we do? We can wait for a little better time.

There is purpose in the shut gate. If you can't move forward, might as well enjoy it. Time for some conversation today and quiet time.

It may simply be a matter of time. The gate doesn't stay closed forever. Is there another way around the gate? The blocks may be small. Take them one at a time. 
Don't let your size or lack stop you. You can grow.

A second meaning of the Gate is that it is the 'No' card of the deck.

The pregnant mouse is the card of poverty: poor as a mouse. There is also emotional stress and the feel of threat (you might too being very small in a much larger world). Are you focusing on lack and in need of support?

Lack on the mental level can also cause restriction on the physical level.

Can you change your thinking? Can you focus on your abundance instead?

Today's issue is about focus on having our needs being met.

Can we be fearless today?  Do we have time?  The gate is closed and it is not time.  We are to patient and wait for a better time.  Pregnant mouse tells us that it won't be too long a wait.  Be patient.

You are loved and blessed.

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