Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Woolly Mammoth, Candle, Little Child and Puppy

The Woolly Mammoth brings seeds of the past forward to be healed. What stuff is unresolved and needs healing?

There are many people carrying pain from the past and continue to carry these painful memories. Time to process it now we are where we are.

Are you ready to move forward, recognizing we are all connected on the Spiritual level?

Let's create new memories of healing and compassion for one another. Could be some karmic work for today. You are ready for it.

The candle is the symbol of wisdom. Find that wisdom today.

 "It is better to light one candle then curse the darkness" is a very slight on the less common "Chinese proverb" "'Don't curse the darkness - light a candle." The advice given is "if something is wrong, do something about it rather than complain."

Throw some light on the situation today. Light can help us see more clearly.

 Candle light also creates a warm environment.

The Child and the Puppy is the card of attachment. An emotional wish granted. We have responsibility to our children and our animals. This also speaks to our responsibility to any one in need.

There is the granting of an emotional wish through the gift of love.

What emotional wish do you have today?

Step into some shoes larger than yours, trust and do what needs to be done - with love.

Can we heal the seeds from the past today?  Let there be light that shines on what is needed to be healed.  There is the granting of an emotional wish through the gift of love.

You are loved and blessed.

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