Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Scorpio, Archangel Raphael, Magical Horse

Watch your emotions so they won't get in the way. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly to be grounded and present.

Time to raise our energy as high as we can. Use your vision that is raised too.

It is also a time for healing. Time to let old wounds go and bring healing in where there has been pain.

How do we work with the Scorpio? I'm drawn to the eagle. It is at the top - higher - above the earth.

Archangel Raphael tells us of enthusiasm. She exhibits the enthusiasm in her expression. This a wonderful energy. Enthusiasm is infused with Spirit, just as the energy she brings in and heralds in Spring.

How is your enthusiasm today? Ask, how can I tap into the energy, then listen for your answer.  
I think Raphael is also telling us that there is healing possible now too. Are you open to healing and wholeness?

Look at all the wonderful energy around the Healer of God. We can tap into it.

Today, can we can make some great progress or have good health?

We see the horse is on the track, in the race  but where is it, ahead or behind?
You can stay on topic and  keep it moving.

There is assurance of good health.  You can run with the wind and get all the benefits of those endorphins.

We are the horse, on track - progressing magically.

\Can we raise our energy to that of the Eagle today?  Say, 'Yes I can' and do it.  Image as if it is and it is. Be inspired as Archangel Raphael.  Touch into Spirit. You are magical and making wonderful progress.  Keep your head up and use your breath. 

You are loved and blessed.

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