Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weeping Woman, Path, Secrets

The weeping woman is coping with the discouragement, frustration and lack of physical energy and enthusiasm.

There is a physical need for rest or change. She is overcoming emotional strain and reconsideration of problems and the situation.

Use the insight you have and determine your real needs and move forward on them.

The Path card is about time and distance. As a short path, it refers to an emotion that does not endure for long. It is pronounced but temporary.

There is a touch of the unconscious, the abode of the Gods. We have allowed the unconscious to come to the conscious. That's what readings are all about.

We are on the short path. We can only see a short distance.

What lies beyond? We have to be in the present to get there.

The time is now. Time to realize, there are invisible forces helping now.

There are emotional shifting of values. There is a change of ideas or perspective.

There is high energy coming from all levels.

Higher and higher consciousness moves. You can handle the shift if you are in the present. See you there.

Dealing with discouragement is not easy today.  Path tells us that an emotion does not linger for long.  Emotions tend to blind us and can seemingly limit our options.  Secrets tell us that there are emotional shifting of values.  You can handle it if you are in the present moment.  There are invisible forces helping you now.

You are loved and blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks~
Best of Blessings to you!