Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Guardian Dog, Holy Pigs, Path

The Guardian Dog is the instrument of the lover. We often think of the dog as a protector. They protect us and have wonderful loyalty as long as we treat them respectfully and with love. The lover is loved and the loved is the lover.

The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home. What a great feeling to be greeted by your best friend.

Trust is a great characteristic of the Guardian Dog. Be trustful and attentive. Where do I put my trust? In the Divine!

The Little Holy Pigs is the card of good luck. This leads material gain and good fortune in any area and on all levels.

This is about work and preparation toward mental wealth. What in the world is mental wealth. I think I am wealthy and so I am? or Is it that I have a wealth of ideas on the mental plane today? Lucky ideas?

The pigs are in the enclosure of your consciousness and cannot again become submerged in the Unconscious.  Could be that it is time for some new ideas.  If the old was not working well, time to make some changes.

The Path card is about time and distance. As a short path, it refers to an emotion that does not endure for long. It is pronounced but temporary.

There is a touch of the unconscious, the abode of the Gods. We have allowed the unconscious to come to the conscious. That's what readings are all about.

We are on the short path. We can only see a short distance.

What lies beyond? We have to be in the present to get there.

Can we express trust today?  We have some good luck coming our way, but it won't last long.  You are on the path.  How lucky you are.

You are loved and blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're Awesome!
Big Blessings to you~