Monday, May 25, 2015

Little Child and Puppy, Secrets, Open Door

The Child and the Puppy is the card of attachment. An emotional wish granted. We have responsibility to our children and our animals. This also speaks to our responsibility to any one in need.

There is the granting of an emotional wish through the gift of love.

What emotional wish do you have today?

Step into some shoes larger than yours, trust and do what needs to be done - with love.

The time is now. Time to realize, there are invisible forces helping now.

There are emotional shifting of values. There is a change of ideas or perspective.

There is high energy coming from all levels.

Higher and higher consciousness moves. You can handle the shift if you are in the present. See you there.

This is the door of opportunity. What is the opportunity? It is different for each of us. This might be a great time to begin making some changes guided by your meditations.

This is the card of changing Dimensions. Emotionally the power is moving into a more constructive area. There is mental expansion. If you are planning a new project, put the project plan in thought form and place it at the open door.

Opportunities don't last too long. Take advantage when you can.

What is our attachment?  Is it holding you back?  There are invisible forces helping you now.  Take the opportunity given. Get out the door and enjoy the great spring weather.

You are loved and blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See you there~
Many thanks Rev. Ken!
Most appreciated insights....