Sunday, January 11, 2015

Candle, Treasure Chest, Major Wish

The candle is the symbol of wisdom. Find that wisdom today.

 "It is better to light one candle then curse the darkness" is a very slight on the less common "Chinese proverb" "'Don't curse the darkness - light a candle." The advice given is "if something is wrong, do something about it rather than complain."

Throw some light on the situation today. Light can help us see more clearly.

 Candle light also creates a warm environment.

Open the box that contains your treasure and let it be seen. What can be seen? How is your financial abundance? More importantly, what is your treasure?

The treasure is you. You have the treasure within you. Let your light shine.
Use your treasure for the most important decisions. Your choices are what brings you the treasure and allows you to share your treasures.

Your cup runs over. Share the wealth, especially of love.

The major wish is the YES card in the deck. When it appears in a reading, your major wish can come true. What is your wish? Is it full of love?

Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.

Keep your wish outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.

Do you take time to be present and connect with the All? It can be Divine for you.
Fill you heart with love and you can do anything.

Light a candle and dispel the darkness.  Will you do that?  You can do it by letting your light shine.  The Light of God that is within you.  You are already blessed.  Feel that joy and let it shine.
Major wish is your outcome and blessing.  Let it fill your heart with the oneness blessings.

You are loved and blessed.

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