Sunday, November 16, 2014

Major Wish, Destiny, Lord of Benevolence

The major wish is the YES card in the deck. When it appears in a reading, your major wish can come true. What is your wish? Is it full of love?

Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.

Keep your wish outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.

Do you take time to be present and connect with the All? It can be Divine for you.
Fill you heart with love and you can do anything.

Destiny tells us that things are as they should be.

There is a turn of events. Something will change from here. This is shown by the moon which indicates change.

Today, we have a wainnng moon. What is most important to know is that something higher is taking care of it. It is the will of God. So go with it.

Keep in mind that there is a karmic plan or pattern over which you have no control. Put your trust in God and hear the message of His will for you.

The Lord of Benevolence is holding his hand open to the bird, representing Spirit. Let the bird take these seeds from us. Offer them to Spirit. Some call this surrendering it.

This is the answer: be open, allow more information to come to you. Be in the Present and at peace. Call Spirit to you. Calling makes the connection.

This is largely a mental space. You know how to get to it don't you? Begin with the concept.

Looks like a wonderful day ahead.  Will we get our Major Wish today or a Yes?  Destiny tells us that we have little control today, yet God is taking care of things.  The Lord of Benevolence tells us to allow and Spirit will come and take our offering.  That which we seek, is also seeking us.  I'll take that as a Yes and say "Thank you God"!

You are loved and blessed.

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