Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Swamp, Guardian Dog, Archangel Gabriel

There is a warning and caution on the next step to take. The swamp tells us that there may be emotional treachery. Swamps have traps and sudden hazards.

There is wisdom on testing the next step and be certain we have sound footing.

There may be stepping stones if we look for them. We also may be on ground already and looking out to the muddy water ahead of us. Ask for clarity and stay grounded.

You will get it by asking.   Careful of the dangers - stay in the present at all times.

The Guardian Dog is the instrument of the lover. We often think of the dog as a protector. They protect us and have wonderful loyalty as long as we treat them respectfully and with love. The lover is loved and the loved is the lover.

The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home. What a great feeling to be greeted by your best friend.

There are invisible forces helping now. Trust is a great characteristic of the Guardian Dog. Be trustful and attentive. Where do I put my trust? In the Divine!

Archangel Gabriel watches over us this day.
She turns her head and listens.  Are you listening?  It is what we don't do enough of.  Are you listening to your thoughts?  Are you listening to God speaking to you?

Our thoughts are a reflection of how we are feeling and where we are.  Listen to them, especially if there is a need for change.

Archangel Gabriel is the Messanger of God.  She takes messages as well as gives them.  What message do you wish to send and/or receive.
We might be overwhelmed today or need come clarity.  If we are listening to the voice in the head or TV or news, we can easily become overwhelmed.  What is the truth?  Use your intuition. The Swamp is a dangerous place, but we have our Guardian Dog with us, watching and attentive.  There is great unconditional love.  Ask for and receive a message from Archangel Gabriel.  Ask if this applies to me and if not, let it go and say thank you God.

You are loved and blessed.

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