Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stars, Archangel Michael, Celestial Bees

The blue stars is the card of a Plan. It refers to favorable business. Accept advantages offered. Flowers unfold. Likewise, we too unfold. You bring hope.
What is our plan? To be in the Present Moment, the Presence of the Divine. We can manifest what is desired and for our highest good by using this plan.

The stars represent each of us connected, hope and integration of the five aspects of self. Once again, integration can come through our inner work and our outer work. Each of us grow where we are planted with others. Relationships and group energy can take us where we can't go by ourselves. We need groups to be successful in spiritual growth. It's also fun and you develop a spiritual connection with each other that is one of the most loving.

We call upon Archangel Michael, Angel of Fall.  The Summer season is here upon us.   Fall is a little more than 2 weeks away.  We have had some pretty strong winds along with the rain and thunderstorms.  Leaves have already begun to fall.

Everything is under control.  Emotionally, our interest declines as we draw close to the third section of work or project or relationship.

Michael tells us to enhance the feeling of self-confidence not egotism.

She looks to her left and sees the Celestial Bees.

There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).

Get together with others of like interests and common ideas. It is the bees to do the will of the Divine, we can too. Just be open to it.

There is a lot of work to do today. Have fun doing it.

Start including honey in your diet. It's great on oatmeal and in tea. Good food for your health. How sweet it is.

Are you leaving it all up to the angels or have you made a plan.  The star flowers are connected as we are too.  Archangel Michael helps us with protection and balance.  Is there something you need cleared or to let go?  Is there a justice or balance needed? Ask for help from God and Archangel Michael may be the one to assist.  There is wonderful, joyful work and happiness that is our outcome.
Thank you God.

You are loved and blessed.

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