Friday, August 15, 2014

Totem, Coins, Destiny

The Totem is all about family, especially Spiritual family. It is our connection with the past. It is the karma we bring into this life. It is about genetic influences.

There is great power in the Totem and the connection with our ancestors. Draw upon that power and to the Earth. We can make a difference in so many ways. Ask Earth Mother what you are to do, then do it.

The movie 'Avatar' reminds us of our connection with Earth Mother. Remember that there are traces of our ancestors in our DNA. We are from them. We have, however, our choices at this time. Look for karmic bonds.

The coins are the symbol of increase including emotional increase and illumination.

The question is, "Is there an increase in illumination?" Are we wiser as a result of the current situation?

The Coins are coming in today.   Generate the energy and manifest it.

I hear hear the song, "The times, they are a changin'". What is next?

Things are always changing.  Be alert, listen to your inner voice (not the voice in the head).  

Destiny tells us that things are as they should be.

There is a turn of events. Something will change from here. This is shown by the moon which indicates change.

Today, we have a waxing moon. What is most important to know is that something higher is taking care of it. It is the will of God. So go with it.

Keep in mind that there is a karmic plan or pattern over which you have no control. Put your trust in God and hear the message of His will for you.

Totem tells that there is ancestral karma that we have brought into this life.  Can we change this?  Can we obtain illumination?  Destiny tells us that things are as they should be.  When we come into this life, we bring a fixed design and framework to work within.  Destiny with the Moon, shows that something higher is taking care of it.  Follow the will of God.

We have been removing the Ancestral Karma, 7 generations back and forward by meditating with the Miracle Mantra for 40 days.  Thousands of people are doing this mantra meditation.  Think of the possibilities.  I wish the families of Israel and Palestine, Sunnis and Shities and  all opposing factions would do this work to make our world a better place for 7 generations.

You are loved and blessed.

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