Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Treasure Chest, Victory Horse, Holy Pigs

Open the box that contains your treasure and let it be seen. What can be seen? How is your financial abundance? More importantly, what is your treasure?

The treasure is you. You have the treasure within you. Let your light shine.
Use your treasure for the most important decisions. Your choices are what brings you the treasure and allows you to share your treasures.

Your cup runs over. Share the wealth, especially of love.

Victory is yours ultimately. Take a bow as you are in the winners circle. You have run the race and now stand victorious.

You can celebrate your victories and enjoy these days.

This is also a time for being grateful for all your blessings. When I think of the light color of the Victory Horse, I am also thankful for the growing light of the Divine.

Good luck, get in the race and win. Then bow your head humbly in gratitude.

The Little Holy Pigs is the card of good luck. This leads material gain and good fortune in any area and on all levels.

This is about work and preparation toward mental wealth. The pigs are in the enclosure of your consciousness and cannot again become submerged in the Unconscious. (Is this the Treasure Chest issue?)

There is enough for everyone, as the Universe is abundant.

Use your luck well today, then share with others.
Another message of the Holy Pigs is that one good something multiplies.

  Is your treasure chest  filled?  Act as if you have already won.  Act as if you are the winner you are.  Today is a Lucky Day.  Make your wish come true.

You are lucky, loved and blessed.

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