Monday, April 2, 2012

Holy Pigs, Lord of Contemplation, Whip

The Little Holy Pigs is the card of good luck. This leads material gain and good fortune in any area and on all levels. So our issue is about luck today.

This is about work and preparation toward mental wealth. What in the world is mental wealth. I think I am wealthy and so I am? or Is it that I have a wealth of ideas on the mental plane today? Lucky ideas?

The pigs are in the enclosure of your consciousness and cannot again become submerged in the Unconscious. Who let the pigs out? I did.

Could it be that it is time for some new ideas? If the old was not working well, time to make some changes.

Can you concentrate and enter into deep meditation? Give it a try or keep trying.

Before making a decision, do you give it great thought or just make it without thought?

Do you get in touch with your higher self and follow the inner guidance?

You have the power, it is in your hands. As you ponder consider all sides. See the unseen and keep asking for insight.

Give thought to all things.  Sometimes God gives us little but pivotal things to decide.

The whip is about discipline. Will today take great mental effort if there may be emotional unhappiness or possibly physical difficulties.

What tests us, makes us stronger. We struggle to attain and in so there is a karmic strengthening of character.

Untangle things today. Stay grounded and not reacting to others negative emotions.

Use your strengths developed from discipline.

So you didn't win the mega-millions on Saturday.  Never give up, never surrender, unless it is to God.  Apply the discipline.

Holy Pigs reminds me of our holy Mother and her children.  We have begun Passion Week for many Christians.  It is a time that the Master Jesus would show his Passion that leads him to his death and resurrection.  There is the scourge with the whip.

Wow, Holy Pigs and Lord of Contemplation.  What an opportunity to meditate and apply your discipline.  What Divine truth shall we realize?  Keep up the disciplines.

You are loved and very blessed.

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