Friday, March 23, 2012

Foxes, Celestial Bees, Bed

The Moon is waxing now. The light is not as bright because of the New Moon.
Look to the Reality instead of the reflection. Look to the motivations.

Use your spiritual discrimination and correct evaluation. Time to use your intuition. Have you been doing that lately? Trust what you get.

There are extraneous distractions going on here. Stay grounded . Is that an issue you are working on?

There is something interesting to the left that one fox is checking out. The ears on the front fox are pointing both forward and to the left. Wish we could do that too. Pay attention.

There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).

Get together with others of like interests and common ideas. It is the bees to do the will of the Divine, we can too. Just be open to it.

There is a lot of work to do today. Have fun doing it.

Start including honey in your diet. It's great on oatmeal and in tea. Good food for your health. How sweet it is.

The bed is a place of rest, a place where the subconscious mind is active and the conscious mind is asleep. Time to dream and to process the dreams. Use your dream time to give you insight and inspiration.

One could say that getting out of the bed, vacating it is the solution. The Universe loves action, especially when it is the correct action.

What lies dormant here? What do the dreams tell you? Start /continue the dream journal to get insight.

We are on the path. Guidance comes from our intuition and guides, but the choices are ours. Draw upon your dormant and hidden talents.

What is in the dark and not being seen?  Uranus is conjunct with the Moon and there is an awakening.  Do your work and be happy.  Draw upon your dormant and hidden talents.

You are loved and blessed.

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