Saturday, December 3, 2011

Totem, Gate, Pisces

The Totem is all about family. It is our connection with the past. It is the karma we bring into this life. It is about genetic influences.

There is great power in the Totem and the connection with our ancestors. Draw upon that power and to the Earth. We can make a difference in so many ways. Ask Earth Mother what you are to do, then do it.

The movie 'Avatar' reminds us of our connection with Earth Mother. Remember that there are traces of our ancestors in our DNA. We are from them. We have, however, our choices at this time. Look for karmic bonds.

The gate is shut and barred.  Wait for a little better time.

There is purpose in the shut gate. If you can't move forward, might as well enjoy it. Time for some conversation today and quiet time.

It may simply be a matter of time. The gate doesn't stay closed forever. Is there another way around the gate? The blocks may be small. Take them one at a time.

Don't let your size or lack stop you. You can grow.

Energy is now flowing in as if to flush out any blockages. It's now open. Get out of the way and get going.

Pisces people can be very sensitive. The key is not to be overly sensitive. The Christ energy is very special.

You will feel the energy coming back and the energy flowing. Talk about inspiration. This is a great time where you need that extra zing.

Go with the flow even tells us to surrender to the moment.

Looks to me as if the blockage is only temporary.  Pisces comes in to unblock things and get them moving again.  Touch into it and allow your blockages to be opened.

You are loved and blessed.

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