Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chalice, Virgo, Aquarius

The Chalice is the card of Holiness. It relates to Spirit. It can be the Holy Grail cup.

On the mundane, it could refer to a drinking party. Saturday nights are often party nights for many.

See the drops from the vine filling up the cup? Is it water or wine. Fill the Chalice with Spirit. Be open to receivnng Spiritual Blessings.

 Even more importantly, Give blessings to others.

The Virgo is in a position of prayer and meditation. If we are blocked and can't move forward, we can meditate and pray for guidance. We can enter into silence and connect with the All. Open to the plan that comes to you.

There is an inflow of healing energy as shown by the stars. What are you going to heal that is holding you back? Remember that energy follows thought.

Virgo can be critical and gets stuck in details. Be aware of your thoughts, actions and deeds. Find the perfect that is the God essence and all is well.

We can step up to a new level of consciousness, abundance and Spirit. This is accomplished by our intuition, tuning in to the Divine Plan. Time to pray and purify. Turn the perfect light within you on. It is time.

The energy of Aquarius is pouring out. It is added to the flow which varies in intensity and amplitude. Be aware of the energy flow today.

Aquarius tells us to look at our issues from a higher level, such as how it affects humanity. Can you do that? It can be a challenge to think at this level.

How about some new ideas? With the outpouring, we may get some if we are open to them. Are you?

Can we find the holiness today?  Pray and meditate like Virgo.  Purify and raise your vibration.  You can find the higher road / path.  Raise it for all humanity.

You are loved and blessed.

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