Sunday, November 20, 2011

Leo, Bed, Pisces

There are cosmic forces with us today.

I'm drawn to the energy of Leo. It goes way up and way down and then starts up again. Sounds like the New Year doesn't it. This is about energy.

Leo asks us if we have the courage. I believe that it is in all of us. We have to look for it and then use it to make it strong.

On an ego level, we have to watch the ego and take a non-self road today.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the source of great energy that vitalizes us all.

The bed is a place of rest, a place where the subconscious mind is active and the conscious mind is asleep. Time to dream and to process the dreams. Use your dream time to give you insight and inspiration.

One could say that getting out of the bed, vacating it is the solution. The Universe loves action, especially when it is the correct action.

What lies dormant here? What do the dreams tell you? Start /continue the dream journal to get insight. Are you traveling in the Spirit world while sleeping? What you may be perceiving as dreams may be more real.

The Pisces also has a similar issue, but today has the answer.

Energy is now flowing in as if to flush out any blockages. It's now open. Get out of the way and get going. Pisces people can be very sensitive. The key is not to be overly sensitive. The Christ energy is very special.

You will feel the abundance coming back and the energy flowing. Talk about inspiration. This is a great time where you need that extra zing.

Go with the flow.

On another level, it says to be successful, get out of bed and get moving.  Go with the flow.  Or Archangel Uriel wants you to get up early and go fishing.  All the meanings are valid.  Which one is for you?

You are loved and blessed.

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