Thursday, October 6, 2011

Celestial Bees, Swamp, Serpent

This is the card of Creative Activity. So what is the issue related to activity?

Are we blocked at our work? Is the activity not so happy? Is there no caring for one another? Are you enjoying the group activity?

Use your right brain and be creative. What's going on in your hive?

The activity can be a little luck. How does that sound? Is there some happy activity happening at your home?

The swamp cautions us not to be overwhelmed. Clarity may be difficult with the swamp's muddy waters. Are you in muddy waters or is that your thinking?

Watch your step in the swamp. It is wise to test the path ahead before making a commitment. Have you been sinking because of a misstep?

Watch for emotional trickery going on. Keep an eye on things. There may be alligators and snakes you can't see in the muddy water. Our friend Bill reminded us this past week of the old saying, "Its hard to remember we had planned to drain the swamp when there are alligators bitting our backside".

Very powerful energies of the serpent are here. Be alert.

Note the serpent has doubled back. Serpent tells us to use care where we step. Be in the present as you move forward.

This can be a powerful day. Use the power with wisdom.
Today, I'm drawn to the spots on the serpent. They remind me of boxes on a conveyor belt moving, moving, moving. Is there a move coming? For some yes, for some no.

The cards speak to us of creative activities, watching our step in the swamp and being alert to where we are going.  We are being cautioned .  There are 2 blue mental level cards and one red  card of a challenge.  I often look at the roots of the swamp and think that the water must be low such that we see them.  Swamp people tell us that when the water is low, the dangerous logs and other roots or stumps protrude the surface.  Words of caution and alertness are therefore appropriate today.  Have fun, cautiously.

You are loved and blessed.

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