Monday, September 12, 2011

Scorpio, Breakthrough Page, Capricorn

The Healing and transforming energy of Scorpio are coming in at higher vibrations.

Meditate on the sign of the Scorpio. Raise your vibrations from the lower self to the higher. The healing energy is close to the higher part of you, the Eagle.

There are important things for you to see with your expanded awareness.

Can you now a shift into a more beneficial affect of energy?
Watch out for the stinger.

Working with perserverance can lead us to a breakthrough. Perserverance can give us inspirations of strength and courage to step up to what is required.

Breakthrough Page refers to a young man /woman who is ready to make a change, to knock on a door and open it. To move to a higher level.
You can open the door you want today. You are a spiritual being working on your vision. Today your efforts pay off and you make things happen.

Knock and it is opened to you. Seek and you find. Ask and it is given.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who slows progress. This allows you more time to do what you need to do.

Fearlessness is a trait of the Capricorn. Facing fears and moving on through them gives you power and self confidence.

The picture of the Capricorn has the tail of a fish - power in the lower half and able to move through water with a flick of the fins. The head is of the goat - sure footed in the mountains and able to traverse the tricky path.

Yesterday was the 9/11 Rememberance and Renewal day.  Much was shown and spoken of that time 10 years ago.  We see that there has been healing (Scorpio) and moving forward.  Today, we continue the healing and step it up a notch.  There is more healing to do.  Ultimately, we must face our fears and be fearless, like the Capricorn.  Success and prosperity   Tap into the streams of Scorpio and Capricorn today.  Scorpio's energy when raised to the higher level brings the healing, teachings and prosperity you seek.  Be renewed and restored.

You are loved and blessed.

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