Saturday, August 27, 2011

Capricorn, Archangel Gabriel, Gnomes

Capricorns are dependable. Is this your issue today? Or maybe it is the influence of Saturn, Capricorns ruler?

Saturn has a way of slowing things down. It can be a blessing or not.

Practical and prudent, Ambitious and disciplined, Patient and careful,
Humorous and reserved
, Pessimistic and fatalistic, Miserly and grudging

These are the positive and negative aspects we are working with.

Archangel Michael, angel of Winter sits in the foul weather with her back to us. She may be listening.

Are you complaining or giving thanks. One attracts and the other repells.

One meaning here is that you may need to go it alone. You can do it.

Looks like the weather may be a bit to deal with today.

This is the card of the Kabiri, the Fire Gods who tend the internal fires and treasures of the earth. One gains through attention to labor, industry.

The Spiritual Virtues of the Gnomes is transmutation, the making of the Philosopher's Stone. Turning the base metal into Gold.

The gnomes tell us not to give up. There is progress through perseverance.

There is attainment of goals in a spiritual or creative effort.

Capricorn has the tail of a fish and head of a goat.  Fish come from water, water from the ocean or from Hurricanes such as Irene.  Archangel Gabriel is sitting in th rain/foul weather as she does in the winter.  Then we have the Gnomes of the Earth.  Progress is slow of the storm.  The rain going deep into the Earth and makes slsow progress up the East Coast of USA.  We are also entering the time of the New Moon.  The power builds up.  New moon raises the water up with higher tides.  Go to higher ground - Capricorn tells us.  There are higher than normal tides and storm surges.  The ground may already be saturated with flooding.

Stay safe.  You are loved and blessed.

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