Friday, July 22, 2011

Lord of Power, Spinning Top, Serpent

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy. It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality. Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.

You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.

Understand how to use your spiritual power. The right thought creates the right action. You have the power to manifest by using these spiritual laws.

Manifest what you want and are guided to. Do this with prayer and meditation. This is how you access Divine Abundance and higher consciousness.

The Spinning Top - an unexpected surprise. Could be a shock like what we see in the Jack's eyes. I hope you are shocked and overjoyed with your day

Take care that it doesn't unbalance you. You can keep things going.

We live in a context of our thoughts. What are we thinking? What do we wish to think, create and be? Could the surprise be a miracle or a massive disaster.

They are the same.  The surprise could be an unexpectedly unpleasant one.

Very powerful energies of the serpent are here. Be alert and in the present.

Do you see the serpent's tongue testing and sensing. We could emulate this being and be wiser. How much do we sense before acting? Be in the present as you move forward.

This can be a powerful day. Use the power with wisdom.

Our power comes from our thoughts, feelings and emotions (Lord of Power). Be tapping into meditation and wisdom comes to you as you are in the present. Sense and choose your actions.

You are loved and blessed.

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