Friday, July 1, 2011

Aquarius, Pregnant Mouse, Open Door

The energy of Aquarius is pouring out. It is added to the flow which varies in intensity and amplitude. Be aware of the energy flow today.

Aquarius tells us to look at our issues from a higher level, such as how it affects humanity. Can you do that? It can be a challenge to think at this level. Wouldn't it be nice if all of our leaders did it instead of the opposite?

How about some new ideas? With the outpouring, we may get some if we are open to them. Are you?

The pregnant mouse is the card of poverty: poor as a mouse.

There is also emotional stress and the feel of threat (you might feel very small in a much larger world). Are you focusing on lack and in need of support?
Lack on the mental level can also cause restriction on the physical level.

Can you change your thinking? Can you focus on your abundance instead?

The mouse also tells us to be patient. The seeds are planted and will take some time to develop and be delivered, like a baby.

This is the door of opportunity. It is different for each of us. This might be a great time to begin making some changes guided by your meditations and the stream of energy from Aquarius.

This is the card of changing Dimensions. Emotionally the power is moving into a more constructive area. There is mental expansion. If you are planning a new project, put the project plan in thought form and place it at the open door.

Yesterday, we had the Red Gate that was closed.  I knew the gate/door would open.

The door is open.  The door swings both ways.  If you have been in, go ahead and get out.  If you have been waiting for the door to open - it is now.  Today is Friday, the beginning of the 4th of July weekend.  The energy streaming in affects us in different ways.  Some people become attuned to the freedom and cost in blood and lives for a highest ideal.  Other people are just thinking about the beginning of summer:  warm days filled with sunshine and having fun.  We see both high and low vibrations as shown in the zig zag - of the card.  The outpouring of water (Spirit) from the Divine.  Sherry and I watched some Native Brazilian Indians dancing and giving thanks about the water that nutures the Earth and brings forth the food for us all.  The cactus reminds me of the desert where water is scarce.  Yet the Pregnant Mouse also shows the Weeping Willow  that grows by water.   One mouse is focused on the lack-cactus and the other on place where water is abundant.  Then we have the Open Door of Opportunity.

This morning, I had a dream about the 4 elements.  Later I read information from Gordon Michael Scallion as he speaks of the imbalance of the 4 elements:  Imbalance of air - Tornadoes;  imbalance of water - flooding; imbalance of Earth - earthquakes.  In both the Pregnant Mouse and Open Door we see the air and earth.  We see the water in Aquarius - the water bearer.

Normally I would say to take the high road, be patient for things to change and for your opportunity.

I also say to use the high energy of Aquarius (new ideas and changing energy).  Recognize our choice to have lack that also creates growth or plenty that can permit us to look at higher level issues.  We can have either or both.  Opportunities are presented in many forms.  Isn't it how we look at things?  YES

Note with Green, we see compassion, growth and the heart.  No Red - adversity or Blue Mental or Yellow Abundance/Spiritual.

Be safe over the Independence Holiday.  The mice tell us to take small steps - enjoy every moment.

Remember, you are loved and blessed.

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