Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Legal Papers, Death, Little Fish

The card of Legal papers is about written work. It can be about business affairs, legal procedures or business responsibility. It is also the card of study and contracts.

My sense is that it is time to study the writings and apply a higher vision to the situation. A day or so ago, I was thinking about working with our guides in automatic writing to improve the connection and get a higher perspective.

When we wish to work on transformation, especially mediumship or healing, this is one way to do it. Do you go into articles on what you are studying for more info and insight?

The Angel of Death is ready to bring closure. The Full Moon is gone and a New Moon is upon us. A time for energizing a new project.

Death is standing in front the moon as it shines brightly. Of course we can see the Moon in daylight as well as night time. Things that are not seen in the dark are now having light shined on it. There is extra light from the Sun, reflected back to us from the Moon in the card.

What is in your spotlight? Time for an ending and new beginning.

Be ready and willing.

We are the little fish, swimming together in a group. There can be some successful group activity today. It may be with family, friends or others.

With the fishes, your little wish is granted. A little luck is great. Use it for your best and highest good.

The little fish can also indicate the formation of something new: Something drawn from No thing.

It is a brief period of good luck.

We are applying for visas tomorrow for several people going with us to see John of God in Brazil. The visas are the legal papers. The time of preparations are complete with this task, other than packing. With death and new beginning, a transformation can happen. That's what we are wishing for. How about you?

Last evening, I started to re-read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, from the Gutenberg Etext Project. There is great wisdom to study. Gaining an understanding of and applying the wisdom of these Sutras can change your life, if you choose. It can end the old vision and begin a new one. Join with others and study Spiritual documents. One of our teachers has said to read the Spiritual works just prior to sleep. If it is pretty dry, it will put you to sleep. It also raises your consciousness.

You are loved by the Eternal All.

1 comment:

Rev. Ken Foor said...

Well, it worked out as the cards foretold. We got to the PO to get the money order to find out they only took cash or debit card. To the bank to get cash and then back to PO. Oops short 40, but ok, had it in the pocket.

Got to the Consulate at 2pm - it was closed at 1pm. Death, ending & new beginning.

Little luck? Quick trip home in heavy traffic like little fish.

How about you?