Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spying Page, Divine Horse, Gate

The Spying Page or Hesitating Page is the card of the Basic Self and Watchfulness. Note the alertness. There is the hearing and listening. There is also the lack of freedom in initiative.

We could be seeing an unhappy inner child, where there is indecision.

The Spying Page's lower self is watching and waiting.

From the place of the observer, options and alternatives become obvious. One doesn't have to react, one can chose and act with clear mind.

Another message of the red page is to wait for the best time. Be patient.

Divine love always has and Divine love always will provide our every need", goes the Metaphysical statement. Is this what you believe? Imagine it as if it is so.

The Divine Horse brings us well being and protection. It is Sunday, a day of rest and rejuvenation. Not working? We can spend time with family and then have our physical needs/thirsts fulfilled.

Another aspect of the Divine Horse is to tell us to practice contentment. When we do this, we find the serenity through balanced thinking.

In contentment, we find balance. We find the integration of ourselves with the Divine.

The gate is closed. We are blocked in our progress.

Gates that are locked and blocked are generally that way for good reason. There are safety issues, emotional issues, etc. It may be time to wait or find another alternative.

Does the blockage require healing to be removed? Are you working on your blocks? Ask what needs to be done, develop a plan and then take the right actions. In the Pages of Shustah deck, this is the NO response or No card.

The answer is NO. NOT today, or at least not as you are trying. Put your trust in God and wait a little while. Tomorrow will be a better day.
You heard the mouse that roared, right? Patience.
It is Thursday after all.

Practice contentment in the present. This will help your patience issue, until the gate opens for us.

Take a break from your various work. You can work on becoming enlightened tomorrow. It is meant to be.

You are loved.

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