Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yes/Major Wish, Leo, Legal Papers

The major wish is the YES card in the deck. When it appears in a reading, your major wish can come true. What is your wish? Is it full of love?

Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.

Keep your wish outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.

I feel a great love. The love of the biggest heart of all: Infinite Spirit and our hearts are all part of it.

Our friend Leo is here to tell us that the energy right now is high and strong, as it is Summer.

You have it within you. All the best can be brought out now. You have the courage to face it.

Use Leo to raise your vibrations and fill you with courage. When a higher road is taken, the ego is tamed. True Self realization can be fulfilled.

Use the Leo stream of consciousness to bring your major wish to fruition.

The card of Legal papers is about written work. It can be about business affairs, legal procedures or business responsibility. It is also the card of study and contracts.

If you are drawn to the background, it may be about music. If you are drawn to the paper with the certificate on it, it may be about mortgage, marriage license or certificate. There appears to be both letterhead and manuscript on the table too.

What are you drawn to today?

Hummmmmm, what is my greatest wish today? Same old or something even better? How about all of humanity becoming aware and awakened? We face major issues of over population, adequate food, water and resources; terrorism, 2o12, etc. Too big? How about the Earth becoming a member of Galactic Federation of Planets with all humans getting to know other beings? Still too grand? How about all of us feeling the love of the Divine in each of us and the unconditional love of the Divine too? Maybe you can do some thinking about it and write it down. Allow the Father (Sun) energy into your being. Do some writing or read writings that inspire you. The Universe rewards action, remember.

You are a Child of God and you are loved and blessed. Open your heart with love and compassion for all.

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