Monday, December 20, 2010

Gate, Fool, Divine Horse

The gate is closed. We are blocked in our progress. Who did this, says the ego? We did. Oh, you say no I didn't. Metaphysically, we are all one, therefore we did.

Gates that are locked and blocked are generally that way for good reason. There are safety issues, emotional issues, etc. It may be time to wait or find another alternative.

Does the blockage require healing to be removed? Are you working on your blocks? Ask what needs to be done, develop a plan and then take the right actions.

The fool is the card of physical pleasure and experience. The soul of the personality is in search of knowledge.

There may be a new beginning starting today. You may have fallen and laughing about it, feeling a little foolish.

Get back up and get moving. The Universe rewards actions.

There is a suggestion to be more childlike. You can do that. Know that God is with you and watching over you. You can take the leap of faith today.

"Divine love always has and Divine love always will provide our every need", goes the Metaphysical statement.

The Divine Horse brings us well being and protection. Great things to have. It also speaks of our needs being met. It's about putting our trust in God.

Another aspect of the Divine Horse is to tell us to practice contentment. When we do this, we find the serenity through balanced thinking. This too comes with being at one with the All.

It's Monday. We made it through the weekend's activities, wow.

Stop! No! Speaks the Gate. Be the little fool and have some physical pleasure today. Practice contentment until the Divine opens the Gate. Trust that God will provide your needs.

Remember, you are a Child of God, loved and blessed.

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