Sunday, June 7, 2009

7 Chakra Meditation with the Pages of Shustah

Yesterday, I pulled 7 cards, one for each chakra, to use in a meditation this morning. Meditating on each card brings healing to your energy system. Set the intention that healing happens as you bring focus to each center.

I combined crystal healing bowls, speaking the Sanskrit chakra name and toning the Om for each one:
Ouroboros is the card of Self-sustaining. It is a union and partnership and the integration of the parts of the self to become a whole. Unity is another word for it. 1st Chakra, Root - Muladhara -

Connect with the Earth and the All. The fires from the center of the Earth, re-ignite your fires in the 1st chakra.

Bring that energy into the next center:

Archangel Raphael tells us of a renewing the Earth. Raphael is also telling us that there is healing possible now too. Open to healing and wholeness.

Look at all the wonderful energy around the Angel of Spring. We can tap into it.

2nd Chakra, Sacral - Svadhisthana : call upon Archangel Raphael to assist your center for renewal. Raphael is responsible for the renewal of the Earth of which we are connected.

Bring that energy into the next center:

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy. It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality. Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.

You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.

3rd Chakra, Solar Plexis - Manipura: The solar plexis is our power center call upon the Lord of Power to re-power us, by meditation and creation following thought and energy.

Bring that energy into the:

4th Chakra, Heart Center - Anahata: listen to your heart song, the song of love. Follow your heart song and you are healed and renewed.

Gather with like minded people, sing together and be recharged.

The heart brings harmony to the energy from below and above.

Love and accept your lower self as it is the Earthly part of who you are.

Bring that energy into the:

5th Chakra, Throat Center - Visuddha: speak the name of your fear and face it.

Overcome your fears and remove the blockages at this center.

What can we do? Face fear and keep moving forward. Get your feet back down on the ground and start breathing deeply to calm down.

Bring that energy into the next center:

6th Chakra, 3rd Eye Center - Ajna : Tap into the power of Cancer ruled by the Moon (Divine Mother); see the truth with your inner vision.

The truth brings you healing with clear vision.

Allow the power of the Moon, bring the female energy up through your body via the Ida.

Hold only as needed. Like the Mother, nurture and love one another.
Bring that energy into the:

7th Chakra, Crown Center - Sahasrara: Tap into the power of Leo ruled by the Sun (Divine Father).

Bring this energy into the Pingala, the male energy and the power of self realization.

You have it within you. All the best can be brought out now.

Allow Leo to raise your vibrations and fill you with courage.

The energy system is now balanced and operating at optimum capacity.

Healing and wholeness are yours.


BellBookCandleSupply said...

The power of stones bring positive energy that can eliminate negative vibes. Its beauty brings peace in the relaxation of the body.
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Mamun said...

Great post........
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