Friday, October 5, 2007

Red Angel, Gemini, Red Cat: Listen, analyze Beware

TGIF. A couple of challenges for Friday.

The Angel of Winter is Gabriel. She has her back to us, but is listening for a message to give you. She will speak to you shortly.

The twins of Gemini show the duality of humanity. The female angel holds the arch and is carrying the weight. The male appears as the shadow self. We have both male and female within each of us. You can draw upon either the male or female to help. Geminis are great analysts as they see all sides. Maybe you have an important decision. Touch into Gemini for help.

The red cat is prowling through the grass. He tells you to be aware. Be grounded and don't be surprised if things jump out at you. One never knows if the cat is playing or attacking. You might be surprised if you aren't balanced and grounded. How you respond is up to you.

Gemini is bridged by 2 red-challenges. Call upon your guides and angels to help when you need it. Remember, they will not make decisions for you, but can help you, especially to see what you don't. You can ask, what do I need to know or how will this turn out if I do this.

You are blessed and loved.

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