Monday, August 13, 2007

Gemini, The Lord's Benevolence, Secrets

The energy from Gemini starts us off this week. Here we see both the duality of male and female, light and dark, front and back. There is often a sense of inner conflict from the duality. Is there a decision to make that you are thinking about? Don't get lost in the analysis or carry the world on your shoulders. Ask your heart and follow your heart. I also see a relationship that has split. The man doesn't understand the situation and is now out of the picture. The woman is moving forward without him.

The Lord's Benevolence is with us always. In a Sermon by Prof. Finney in 1843, he said:"
I do understand the text as teaching that God is benevolent--supremely devoted to doing good--that all his powers are consecrated to the promotion of the highest good of sentient being. The Apostle, by the strong language of the text, surely does not mean to affirm that the nature or substance of God is love, but that his character or voluntary state is benevolent, and that it is infinitely so, that benevolence constitutes the whole disposition or state of his will, and that his character is constantly and eternally benevolent--not benevolent at one time, and selfish at another, but forever, and without change benevolent". In the end, good always triumphs over evil. I hope this brings you great joy.

Secrets. Watch the timing. There are things that are hidden. Choose the time to make your connection. As I look at the Antakarana and circles, I'm drawn to the drilling into the caverns of the mine. I'm hearing Tuesday will be the break through. Keep the miners in your prayers and their families too.

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